Ecuación práctica para cubicar madera
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Se presenta la situación en torno a la Ley sobre el uso obligatorio del Sistema Internacional de Unidades, que deja como ilegal la cubicación de madera con el método de la “Pulgada Maderera Tica” (PMT). A pesar de los esfuerzos de la academia por proporcionar ecuaciones de cubicación, este sistema se mantiene vigente en la actualidad. Se explican de manera general las ecuaciones de más uso en Costa Rica. Asimismo, se sugiere que estas ecuaciones generadas por la academia no son utilizadas debido a la dificultad técnica de su aplicación por parte de los usuarios madereros y por la sobreestimación que hacen al considerar la totalidad del volumen y no el volumen comercial. Se propone una ecuación práctica que se basa en cubicar la madera en troza, sin considerar su redondez, sino que se estima el volumen comercial que se obtendría con el aserrío primario. Se demuestra que las ecuaciones al mecate y del cilindro sobreestima el volumen en más del 19 %. Finalmente, se sugiere que la ecuación propuesta puede ser aplicada para árboles en pie, con lo cual se debe considerar la forma del fuste y su longitud, de modo que se defina un factor de ajuste al dap.
Abstract The situation is presented around the law on the compulsory use of the International System of Units, which makes illegal the cubing of wood with the method of the “Pulgada Maderera Tica” (PMT). In spide of the efforts of the academy to provide cubing equations, this system remains in effect today. The equations of most use in Costa Rica are explained in a general way. The author suggests that these equations generated by the academy are not used due to the technical difficulty of their application by logging users and the over estimation they make when considering the whole volume and not the commercial volume. A practical equation is proposed that is based on cubing the wood in logs, without considering its roundness, but estimating the commercial volume that would be obtained with primary sawing. It is shown that the equations to the rope and the cylinder on estimated the volume in more than 19%. Finally, it is suggested that the proposed equation can be applied to standing trees, for which the form of the stem and its length should be considered, so that an adjustment factor to the dap is defined.
Abstract The situation is presented around the law on the compulsory use of the International System of Units, which makes illegal the cubing of wood with the method of the “Pulgada Maderera Tica” (PMT). In spide of the efforts of the academy to provide cubing equations, this system remains in effect today. The equations of most use in Costa Rica are explained in a general way. The author suggests that these equations generated by the academy are not used due to the technical difficulty of their application by logging users and the over estimation they make when considering the whole volume and not the commercial volume. A practical equation is proposed that is based on cubing the wood in logs, without considering its roundness, but estimating the commercial volume that would be obtained with primary sawing. It is shown that the equations to the rope and the cylinder on estimated the volume in more than 19%. Finally, it is suggested that the proposed equation can be applied to standing trees, for which the form of the stem and its length should be considered, so that an adjustment factor to the dap is defined.