Análisis de validez y reproductividad de un instrumento para sistemas nacionales de inocuidad de alimentos. Analysis of validity and reproductibility of aninstrument for national food safety SAFETY SYSTEMS.
Cartín Rojas, Andrés
Pascual Barrera, Alina
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Samborondón, Ecuador
El propósito de la presente investigación radicó en desarrollar y validar un instrumento para evaluar los sistemas nacionales de inocuidad de alimentos, denominado Evaluación de la Funcionalidad de Sistemas de Inocuidad de Alimentos (ESFIA). La validez de contenido es el grado en que la prueba presenta una muestra adecuada de los contenidos a los que se refiere, fue cuantificada mediante la metodología propuesta por Tristán (2008). La reproducibilidad de esta herramienta midió la fiabilidad mediante la estimación del Índice Alfa de Cronbach. La consistencia interna se calculó mediante la técnica de partición dedos mitades aleatorias de la prueba y el empleo del Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson con ajuste de Spearman-Brown. Los datos obtenidos demuestran que el ESFIA presenta una adecuada estratificación y contenido del instrumento, así como también su aplicabilidad. El ESFIA, habiéndose comprobado su validez, será el constructo base para el desarrollo de un nuevo modelo de evaluación de prioridades, denominado Metodología de Análisis para Sistemas Nacionales de Inocuidad Alimentaria (MASNIA). La investigación realizada demuestra que, debido a la similitud en cuanto a estructura en los sistemas de gestión de inocuidad de muchos países latinoamericanos, el ESFIA puede ser aplicable a otros países de la región.
The purpose of the present investigation was to develop and validate an instrument to evaluate national food safety systems, called the Food Safety Systems Functionality Assessment (ESFIA). Content Validity is the degree to which the test presents an adequate sample of the contents to which it refers, was quantified by the methodology proposed by Tristán-López (2008). The Reproducibility of this tool measured reliability by estimating the Cronbach Alpha Index. Internal consistency was calculated using the splitting technique of two random halves of the test and the use of Pearson's Correlation Coefficient with Spearman-Brown adjustment. The data obtained show that the ESFIA presents an adequate stratification and content of the instrument, as well as its applicability. The ESFIA, having proven its validity, will be the basic construct for the development of a new model for evaluating priorities, called Analysis Methodology for National Systems of Food Safety (MSFS). The research carried out shows that, due to the similarity in terms of structure in the safety management systems of many Latin American countries, the ESFIA may be aplicable to other countries in the región.
The purpose of the present investigation was to develop and validate an instrument to evaluate national food safety systems, called the Food Safety Systems Functionality Assessment (ESFIA). Content Validity is the degree to which the test presents an adequate sample of the contents to which it refers, was quantified by the methodology proposed by Tristán-López (2008). The Reproducibility of this tool measured reliability by estimating the Cronbach Alpha Index. Internal consistency was calculated using the splitting technique of two random halves of the test and the use of Pearson's Correlation Coefficient with Spearman-Brown adjustment. The data obtained show that the ESFIA presents an adequate stratification and content of the instrument, as well as its applicability. The ESFIA, having proven its validity, will be the basic construct for the development of a new model for evaluating priorities, called Analysis Methodology for National Systems of Food Safety (MSFS). The research carried out shows that, due to the similarity in terms of structure in the safety management systems of many Latin American countries, the ESFIA may be aplicable to other countries in the región.
Revista Científica ECOCIENCIA, Vol. 6, No. 3, junio 2019