APIR: metodología para la evaluación y priorización del riesgo en planes HACCP
Cartín Rojas, Andrés
Cediel Becerra, Natalia
Monroy López, Francisco
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Introducción: Se propone una metodología de priorización basada en riesgos de tipo ascendente para diferentes peligros y matrices alimentarios, denominada “APIR”. Las variables del modelo se encuentran subdivididas en dos categorías: a) las características del peligro, donde se cuantifica la probabilidad de ocurrencia
y severidad. b) las propiedades de la matriz alimentaria que estiman su riesgo epidemiológico, presencia en el alimento y vulnerabilidad de su manufactura. Se establece un Índice de Riesgo (IR) como parámetro para facilitar que los gestores de inocuidad alimentaria discriminen y prioricen los Peligros Significativos durante la
identificación de peligros de los planes HACCP. Objetivo:
El objetivo de este trabajo fue establecer una metodología flexible y dinámica de priorización basada en riesgo para empresas procesadoras y transformadoras de productos de origen animal destinados al consumo humano e integrarla con los planes HACCP, permitiendo establecer controles específicos en el proceso productivo.
Resultados: Los valores de la significancia entre los nodos Nrp y Nrm fueron de p<0,05. Se estimó el Coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman (rho) para determinar la
proporción de variación entre los mismo predictores. Los resultados obtenidos fueron Or-Nrp (rho= 0,719, p= <0,001), Se-Nrp (rho= 0,888, p-valor= <0,001), Re-Nrm
(rho= 0,560, p-valor= <0,001), Pm-Nrm (rho= 0,696, pvalor= <0,001) y Vd (rho= 0,687, p-valor= <0,001), respectivamente. Se incluye un estudio de caso para simular el modelo y demostrar su operatividad. Discusión:
Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la replicabilidad y validez del presente modelo. Se propone el nombre de APIR (Análisis de Priorización basada en el Índice de Riesgo) para esta metodología.
APIR: methodology for risk assessment and prioritization in HACCP plans”. Introduction: A prioritization methodology based on bottom-up risks is proposed for different hazards and food matrices. The variables of the model are subdivided into two categories: a) the characteristics of the hazard, where the probability of occurrence and severity are quantified. (b) the properties of the food matrix which estimate its epidemiological risk, presence in the food and vulnerability of its manufacture. A Risk Index (IR) is established as a parameter to facilitate food safety managers to discriminate and prioritize Significant Hazards during the hazard identification of HACCP plans. Objective: The aim of this work was to establish a flexible and dynamic methodology of prioritization based on risk for processing and processing companies of animal products intended for human consumption and integrate it with HACCP plans, allowing specific controls to be established in the production process. Results: The significance values between the clusters Nrp and Nrm were p<0,05. The Spearman Correlation Coefficient (rho) was estimated to determine the proportion of variation between the same predictors. The results obtained were Or-Nrp (rho= 0,719, p= <0,001), Se-Nrp (rho= 0,888, pvalor=<0,001), Re-Nrm (rho= 0,560, p-valor= <0,001), Pm-Nrm (rho= 0,696, p-valor= <0,001) y Vd (rho= 0,687, pvalor=<0,001), respectively. A case study is included to simulate the model and demonstrate its operability. Discussion: The results obtained demonstrate the replicability and validity of this model. The name APIR (Prioritization analysis based on Risk Index) is proposed for this methodology.
APIR: methodology for risk assessment and prioritization in HACCP plans”. Introduction: A prioritization methodology based on bottom-up risks is proposed for different hazards and food matrices. The variables of the model are subdivided into two categories: a) the characteristics of the hazard, where the probability of occurrence and severity are quantified. (b) the properties of the food matrix which estimate its epidemiological risk, presence in the food and vulnerability of its manufacture. A Risk Index (IR) is established as a parameter to facilitate food safety managers to discriminate and prioritize Significant Hazards during the hazard identification of HACCP plans. Objective: The aim of this work was to establish a flexible and dynamic methodology of prioritization based on risk for processing and processing companies of animal products intended for human consumption and integrate it with HACCP plans, allowing specific controls to be established in the production process. Results: The significance values between the clusters Nrp and Nrm were p<0,05. The Spearman Correlation Coefficient (rho) was estimated to determine the proportion of variation between the same predictors. The results obtained were Or-Nrp (rho= 0,719, p= <0,001), Se-Nrp (rho= 0,888, pvalor=<0,001), Re-Nrm (rho= 0,560, p-valor= <0,001), Pm-Nrm (rho= 0,696, p-valor= <0,001) y Vd (rho= 0,687, pvalor=<0,001), respectively. A case study is included to simulate the model and demonstrate its operability. Discussion: The results obtained demonstrate the replicability and validity of this model. The name APIR (Prioritization analysis based on Risk Index) is proposed for this methodology.
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