Aporte biopedagógico de la estética a la Mediación Pedagógica y la posibilidad de su introducción como nuevo eje curricular del Plan de Estudios de esta Licenciatura en la Universidad Técnica Nacional
Hidalgo Jiménez, Greivin
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Fiódor Dostoyevski en su novela El Idiota de 1869 puso en boca de ese
personaje la frase que anota que la belleza salvará al mundo. El presente trabajo de investigación apuesta a reflexionar sobre la estética como valor mediador y su aporte “salvador” para el quehacer pedagógico.
El papel del mediador puede y debe verse enriquecido con la experiencia
estética; asumida desde la biopedagogía y la cotidianidad, en miras a gestar procesos mucho más colmados de asombro y calidez, capaces de crear asideros y resonancias muy significativas en el aprendizaje.
Se abordó el tema con un interés especial en heredar a la Licenciatura en
Mediación Pedagógica de la UTN una nueva línea transversal en sus ejes
curriculares, que enriquezca al proceso de mediación pedagógica con una
radicalidad mayor en la percepción, y unas herramientas más dicentes en su ejercicio. El tema se abordó teóricamente desde algunos principios de la
biopedagogía y de reflexiones sobre la forma de la teoría gestáltica, además, partió del paradigma cualitativo, por medio de cuestionarios y entrevistas a profundidad; así como de un Taller Virtual sobre el tema con un grupo focal.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, in his 1869 novel The Idiot, put into the mouth of this character the phrase that notes that beauty will save the world. This research work is committed to reflecting on aesthetics as a mediating value and its “saving” contribution to pedagogical work. The role of the mediator can and should be enriched by aesthetic experience; assumed from biopedagogy and daily life, in order to create processes much more filled with wonder and warmth, capable of creating very significant handles and resonances in learning. The subject was approached with a special interest in inheriting the Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogical Mediation of the UTN from a new transversal line in its curricular axes, which enriches the pedagogical mediation process with a greater radicalism in perception; and some more telling tools in your exercise. The subject was approached theoretically from some principles of biopedagogy and reflections on the form of Gestalt theory; in addition, it started from the qualitative paradigm, through questionnaires and in-depth interviews; as well as a Virtual Workshop on the subject with a focus group.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, in his 1869 novel The Idiot, put into the mouth of this character the phrase that notes that beauty will save the world. This research work is committed to reflecting on aesthetics as a mediating value and its “saving” contribution to pedagogical work. The role of the mediator can and should be enriched by aesthetic experience; assumed from biopedagogy and daily life, in order to create processes much more filled with wonder and warmth, capable of creating very significant handles and resonances in learning. The subject was approached with a special interest in inheriting the Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogical Mediation of the UTN from a new transversal line in its curricular axes, which enriches the pedagogical mediation process with a greater radicalism in perception; and some more telling tools in your exercise. The subject was approached theoretically from some principles of biopedagogy and reflections on the form of Gestalt theory; in addition, it started from the qualitative paradigm, through questionnaires and in-depth interviews; as well as a Virtual Workshop on the subject with a focus group.
Tesis para optar por el grado de Licenciatura en Mediación Pedagógica.
Aporte biopedagógico de la estética a la Mediación Pedagógica y la posibilidad
de su introducción como nuevo eje curricular del Plan de Estudios de esta
Licenciatura en la Universidad Técnica Nacional.